Monday, November 07, 2011

welcome to syria

While filming a police line at Occupy Oakland after midnight on Nov. 3, 2011, following the Nov. 2 general strike, an officer opens fire and shoots the photographer with a rubber bullet. He was standing well back. There was no violence or confrontations of any kind underway. At 0:31 seconds you can see a tall officer in the front raise his weapon and then fire. This is the full clip of the incident.
The photographer clearly asks the police if it's alright.
Obviously, the police now consider the camera the most dangerous weapon. 
This is actually pretty damning considering that in 2004, the city of Oakland paid out a huge class action settlement and signed a court ordered agreement not to use projectile weapons against peaceful protests. Here is a link to the PDF of the agreement via Occupy Marines.
This will be the tax payers of Oakland, California who will have to pay for the settlements that will be awarded to the injured protesters after the multiple criminal repeat redivicist offenses committed by their hired hands.

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