Friday, December 16, 2011

Bradley Manning Had Secrets

Bradley Manning Had Secrets from Animate Projects on Vimeo.

Nineteen months after being arrested, the trial for the Wikileaks information provider finally began on Friday. Manning is facing 22 charges, including “unauthorized release of half a million reports and cables” and “aiding the enemy.”
If convicted of the latter charge, Manning could face even the death penalty, despite the U.S. government indicating that no one has been injured from the leaks or that the leaks were classified as top secret.

Actually he did our soldiers a world of good. Time served is plenty enough time. Scooter Libby served no time and he betrayed a CIA agent. That caused real harm. Dick Cheney — no time. Karl Rove — no time. It’s time to free Bradley Manning


  1. When you join the military you relinquish a number of your Constitutionally guaranteed rights and fall under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. I don't expect there will be any leniency.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. Of course you are right as afar as the military justice code goes. There really isn't much leeway, but the real issue is what constituted classified secrets. Manning will get steam rolled, he already has, but the fall out from this case will be far reaching.
    I am so depressed at the concerted assault on our rights and civil liberties taking place now. In the total scope of legislation and expansion of regulation against individuals, it would seem that this is a historic event. It's happening all at once. The only legislation being passed by the obstructionist republicans.
    I thought the SOPA bill was over for this session, but, no, they are calling a special unprecedented holiday session to pass it before we realize what they are doing and the momentum against them and the bill can be mobilized. I have to admit, fooling us by counting on the Americans perception of congressional sloth is pretty damn crafty.

  3. I haven't been posting much because I am kinda "under the weather".

  4. It all depends on how much of an example, the U.S. government wants to make out of this guy. Let's face it, secrets are bought and paid for everyday. By politicians who never served a day in their lives.

  5. Yes, that's the crux of the biscuit..I know that manning is fukt...but the spotlight on this case is a good example of when your mother used to tell you, stop making a scene...every one is looking...
    The questions raised, the justice that will be meted out, the scope of what was "revealed" all are embarrassing and socially erosive issues that will have far reaching repercussions. Maybe someday, Manning will be revered as a patriot...but the again....

    by the way...I am much better today...I think I had a mild gastro know guys...when we are sick we are the biggest damn wimps...I did do my crunches this morning in the freezing I must be better.
