Friday, December 16, 2011

just askin...


  1. I think I'm a good person.......

    I don't think evil takes courage. I think evil takes a lack of conscience.

  2. how would you define evil? or how would you define conscience...? frankly, I am trying to play here and I want to break some windows. I have definite boundaries in my brain that define evil, but my definition of what I consider evil might be what someone else considers "any means necessary" to attain their goal.
    On the other hand, what I consider fair game, free expression, art might well be what the "by any means necessary" species might label evil. Dare to be incoherent, I am a true dadaist at heart!

  3. I was unaware that you were reaching that far. My original answer was based on the traditional
    definition of evil.

    I guess anyone at anytime, can be viewed as evil. Maybe I'm evil, because I laugh at things. If a child falls in the store, I tend to chuckle. Some people may view that as evil.

    Evil may very well be, the aiding of withdrawal of funding for jobs program in Chicago. A program meant to help get welfare recipients off of welfare, and on the road to more meaningful employment. Then relying on the dullards for votes.

  4. That was a worthy answer, my man...what is evil? who defines the perception of many., I am plenty evil and proud of it!

  5. If you spell EVIL backwards, it is LIVE. Maybe, as to live.

    So, maybe it is good to live with a little bit of evil in ourselves, than to be fully "righteuos", and never have lived at all
