Monday, January 02, 2012

Amateur Paleontology 2

This is the second of a series of audio/visual presentations of scholarly research which probably gave Mr. Gingrinch much of the needed inspiration in the revision of his profound intellectual meanderings on global warming. If anything, this movie proves that it was way hotter 1,000,000 years ago than it is now! In fact, this film, 1,000,000 Years BC  does a lot to disprove and negate  the entire theory of Human Evolution. I mean, just look at these cave babes. Then, I ask, consider your typical feminine type fauna trudging down the aisles of the local WalMart engaged in the daily struggle of hunting and gathering their Cheetos and Pringles for their modern American suburban family type unit. I rest my case. 


  1. Dottie- As far as the arguement of Evolution. I will see your 2 cave babes (HOT), and raise you, 1 Wanderlei Silva

  2. Those perfectly shaved armpits always bothered me when I was a kid watching caveman babes...
    Of course, we'd have watch Raquel pick her nose in those days. Hottest woman ever... What they don't show you in the clip is that the dude playing the peacemaker actually dropped the rock on the other girl's face.

  3. I remember seeing this fim on TV in Detroit...It was in black and white and I was at my friend Kevins house and Kevins mother came into the den and turned off the TV! She thought it was totally inappropriate viewing for a couple of young adolescent boys...she absolutely had no fucking idea....

  4. Racquel Welch and those famous missing ribs. So damn HOT!!!
