Sunday, January 01, 2012

oh my gawd, santorum is surging in iowa....

Good to see santorum surging in Iowa. Regardless of policies, all debates showed principles, consistency and humility like no other.


  1. A few days ago Rachel Maddow predicted Faux News would rally 'round the candidacy of Frothy Boy Rick, so I'm not surprised to read Rupert's ringing endorsement. What trolls...

    Hope the mother fucker gets the nomination, myself. Let's put a teabagger on parade for a national campaign and judge their movement by the results next November.

  2. Teabagger may be better than a douchebagger. You know where I stand Dottie.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year.......

  3. Not Santorum! Not Santorum!

  4. Seinfeld's untalented, second cousin from Pennsylvania!
