Monday, May 26, 2014

I don't want to be maudlin...but today my wife discovered this pic on her camera. The last picture of my buddy JJ, taken the day before he got sick.  It's been a week now since he died and it's still too damn quiet around here.


  1. Unfortunately, since I am being stalked by a total lunatic troll...I have to install comment approval on this blog.

  2. Sorry about both things.

  3. Hopefully this is a temporary situation.

  4. Me to. I've not been posting much but I have to do the same thing. If not the spam just comes and gets worse. Pisses me off the capcha is made into a test that I can flunk easily.

    Like this one - what the hell is this thing

    going twice- this is worse

  5. To my surprise, when I kid of hinted to my wife about getting another dog, she confessed that she ahd already been looking at the animal rescue society, Phoenix where we had gotten JJ years ago. That made my day, it's too damn quiet here and I need a canine type buddy! I'm sure JJ would approve.

  6. I just have to wait until my multiple personality troll gets over his/her DTs

  7. A hundred things will remind you for months to come... and that is not a bad thing.
    the Ol'Buzzard
