Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Apologies...

For the time being, I am installing the administrator comment approval option on this blog. This is very unfortunate and I apologize for having to do this.


  1. This is simple request. Diedre, Whynot, who ever you are, leave me alone. What ever you think you are doing is more destructive to you than me. All I have to do is refuse to read what you write and delete it. You are obviously wallowing in it. I hope you can move on.

  2. Peace of mind is priceless .... maintain yours.

  3. I hope this is a temporary thing. I'm maintaining, but I really don't want to feed the troll. Thanks bj for your comment.

  4. shhhh, don't tell anyone, but I got rid of the moderation thing and hopefully the verification stuff....I can deal with trolls, I know how to use the delete comment feature.
