After 234 years the State of Virginia has finally dealt with the moral turpitude and havoc caused by the irresponsibely shameless and sinful exhibitionism displayed on
their Great Seal.
Since 1776, the Roman Goddess, Virtus has been exposing her naked breast and causing red blooded Virginian men and may I say, all normal manly men, such as myself to
occasions of sinful lust. When I see the exposed and shameless breast of the old seal, I have to admit, I become aroused and feel I have to get into my limousine and find an unmarried and perhaps underage virgin to defile. Just like any normal Virginian manly male!.If you look real close like, you can see the nipple of the Pagan Goddess's Breast! Look!...You have to look real hard, but it's there!
I have to give as hearty, manly, Thank You! to Virginia's State Attorney General,
John Cuccinelli. I'd shake your hand, but perhaps that isn't really manly.
Virginia may have been led astray by the Godless atheist, Thomas Jefferson, who designed the original seal and his version was even more sinfully butt naked, but manly men like John Cuccinelli, and the former Attorney General of the United States, John Ashcroft have put us back on the right path of morality and saved the honor of countless underage virgins by protecting them from the uncontrolled lustful desires of normal manly men who could be aroused to an occasion of sin by the ripe, luscious, full mature bosomly beauty of the seductive pagan goddess...uhhh...excuse me.......
Where did I park my limo?
That's a riot. Thanks for a great post further "exposing" Virginia as number one in the hit parade. I've been posting about Arizona, but Virginia keeps asserting itself.
Ooooooh….Nagged Boobies!!! Virginia had better prepare for the earthquakes for this obvious and blatant sin!!!!
Of course it is Virginia that all those good Republican Congressman and Senators go to support the sex trade, i.e. Strip Clubs, Brothels, Bondage Dungeons, etc.
Ah, yes, Virginia. What the hell happened to that state after they voted for Obama in 2008? Did someone pull a mental switch that caused cretinism to spread like a wild fire?
Hi Microdot,
That is a very strange picture. Are you sure that is nipple? It is not a very clear picture, but it looks more like Gorbachev nuclear burn forhead to me. What concerns me the most is what is in her left hand. Is that Virtus or Lorena Bobbit? And who is that guy? It's obvious he had all of the chicks and Virtus probably acted in a rage of jealousy which was probably due to an underlying mental issue involving that growth on her left breast. If she just flopped out the right breast, none of this would have happened. Tragedy indeed.
Well, I think the goddess had a cosmetic surgical procedure and there was a botched attempt to use silicon implants modeled on the Goodyear Blimpesez. The breastesez ideally would have extended out from the frame of the Great Seal and dislodged the famous West Virginia State boulder on that seal and then seriously come between the two dudes on Marylands seal on the other side and caused untold friction in their relationship, which was finally getting "stabilized" after 254 years.
Not only that, but The great seal of Virginia would have had to have filed residency in three states!
Think of the tax problems.
So I settled for a simple photo shop enhancement...I was going to make a red dotted line to help you find the nipple, but you seem to have managed nicely on your own.
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