Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Wazza War on Crishmush? Hah?

Pleesh, don gemmee wrong! I love Crishmush! Rilly!
I jus gotta nudda fruitcake in the mail an' I thing itz rum soaked.
Dee lishuzzz, lissen, you like egg nog? No? Wazz a fug, don'choo love Crizmush?
You sum kinna Commee jergoff?
Hey! Commandante Agi! Hey!
Lisshen, come over here I wanna show you sumthin......
Hah, Made joo look!
Here, have a martooni!
I love Chrizmush!
I thin I have a bottle of Pina Colada mish shumwhere...
Nahhhh, I musha drungit...
Waazza fug?

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