I posted this 2010 video by the Romanian Group VAMA before, but the version I posted was removed from YouTube...It seems especially poignant and appropriate to hear this great good natured humorous powerful political protest song this week as the President / Candidate Sarko pulls out all the stops in his attempt to pander to the basest xenophobic and racis tnstincts of the masses in his desperate attempt for re election so He and carla don't have to flee to Switzerland for sanctuary to avoid the inevitable prosecution for the ever growing flock of political, legal and financial scandals circling over him and his UMP clique of thugs. The press has described the aggressive and fascist attitude that he seems to havedefensively adopted as Petainist. Back in 2010, Sarkozy tried to make points with the extreme fascist FN party here by kicking thousands of Gypsys out ofFrance. He broke up families. Sent people who were here legally back to Romania and Eastern Europeo score PR points. This is what he dopes, he can't govern, he can only manipulate and create angst.It is inevitable, Hollande will win on May 6th, but it will take years to mend the psychic damageto France caused by 5 years of Sarkotic Sarkoism!
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