Monday, December 07, 2009


What? Here it is the fabled Third Night of Zappadan...The night of the Little Black Napkins and you thought I was going to let you get away with out a Zappa Post?
Here we are back in 1969, live from the 23rd of May 1969 at The Lawrence University Chapel, Appleton, Winsconsin USA. This is the basic original line up of the Mothers of Invention performing the piece. Help, I'm A Rock, which niftliy segues into Hungry Freaks Daddy....
Which just goes to show, even 16 years after his death, Franks Creativity still has the power to hurt us! HELP! I'M A ROCK!


steve said...

It's kind of interesting that this song is in the same key, same notes/riff (although played a lot different), and same vibe as Nirvana's "Love Buzz", which was actually a cover from another band.

microdot said...

Now that you mention it....
But you know, that was the genius of Nirvana...Cobain was plugged into so much and isn't that what pop music is all's not plagirism when the same chord progressions fueled thousands of great rock songs...
I mean who put the bomp in the whomp bomp a whomp in the first place?

-Sepp said...

Well MD, at least we agree on Zappa and always will!

Unknown said...

Yes, we agree on Zappa. I'm glad to be aboard this train.

zencomix said...

Great find!

microdot said...

ayeeee carumba!
Sepp...we agreed on something or other before...I'm sure of it///I' remember eventually!

Happy Zappadan!