Today, I read a rather disturbing transcript of an interview with Seymour Hirsch. I was trying to find out the background of what was really happening in Lebabon. All we hear on the media news is that the Lebanese Army is going aggressively after Islamic Fundamentalists Militants and the Palestinian Refugees are caught in the crossfire as they bomb the refugee camps. The reports are that the Lebanese Army is trying to crack down on a militant Sunni group, Fatah al-Islam that it formerly supported.
In March of this year it was reported tht American policy had shifted to opposing Iran, Syria and their Shia allies at any cost. This meant backing hardline Sunni Jihadists.
Last March, everyone was speculating about the trip that Dick Cheney took to Saudi Arabia to meet with Prince Bandar bin Sultan. the Saudi National Security Advisor. The results of this trip seem to have been an agreement to have the Saudis covertly fund The Sunni Fatah al-Islam as a counterweight to the Shia Hezbollah.
What is going on? Israel has been percieved in Washington as having actually lost the war with Hezbollah last summer in Lebanon. This provoked acute anxiety and panic to the point that America is no longer acting rationally and actually supporting the Sunnis anywhere they can to oppose the Shia. "We are in the business of creating sectarian violence." said Mr. Hirsch in his CNN Interview. We were drawn in to support Fatah al-Islam as a covert Saudi program to stop the Shia but, as Mr. Hirsch put it,"It bit us in the rear!"
What's more interesting is that this is the same pattern that gave rise and empowered Al-Qaeda, the same people who were involved in Afghanistan empowering Al-Qaeda in the 80's in both Saudi Arabia and the USA are falling into the same pattern again.
The administration is hell bent on combating the percieved rise of the influence of Iran and has again been creating a situation which is working against our own best interests. We see that the aircraft carriers and destroyers are assembling in the Gulf of Hormuz. Earlier this week, thte administration vaguely warned of an Iranian offensive in Iraq designed to convince the US Democrats to demand we exit now. I read the report in the Guardian that questioned the intelligence behind this report and wondered what the USA was up to.
I think it is obvious, the Cheney cabal which controls US mideast policy is gearing up for its long fantasized assault in Iran. Last week, I published a piece on Religious right leaders meeting at the White House for a dinner in which they were told to push support the Iraq war and preach the neccessity of attacking Iran. James Dobson right off the bat started to compare Iran to Nazi Germany and said they had to be dealt with immediately. The press has been pumping the usual misinformation about Irans nuclear program.
What do I think? I think Bush wants to keep the state of war going so he can exit office to a Democrat President in 2008 who will have to deal with the Iraq situation and will have to go to the UN for help. I think Cheney wants to destroy the Iranian infrastructure and create chaos so he can enable Western Oil Companies to gain access to Iranian oil reserves. I think the Democrats are acting like Neville Chamberlain dealing with Hitler before the Second World War, except that in my analogy, it isn't withdrawing from Iraq that creates the "appeasement", it's failing to have a firm policy and failing to stand up to Bush and company and ending this debacle!
I think in it's attempt to fund another Sunni Militant Islamic Group, America has createds another Al-Quaeda like monster which is already pouring arms and support back into Iraq and fueling the sectarian violence which is killing US Servicemen and women. Same cast of characters, same terrible strategy, will it have the same tragic results?
whatever --it's a mess.
These factions are nuts.
Iran's leader declared intent to destroy Israel. We can't forget that. Same with Hizbollah --am I right?
To the extent that al quaeda really is active in Iraq, we need to stay there and fight them there --and win.
We can't take on every hotspot at once. I think I learned from you guys --or somewhere --that the neo-conserves said we should develop our military to take on several war theaters at once ? We should. We should have that capability --to keep peace in the world. We are the ones who appreciate freedom and peace --these others would rather murder their fellow believers in suicide bombings --how nuts is that?? It's a demonic religion. And so is No. Korea's emperor worship. And so is Cuba's dictatorship and tyranny that forcibly took everyone's land for the state --no respect for private ownership. And the Muslims in Africa are after the Christians. This is not a peaceful ideology --even if their are moderates seeking to reform the faith.
For Pete's sake --consider the recent poll that says 1 out of 4 muslim youth in USA are sympathetic to suicide bombing! Islam allows for this kind of craziness. Christianity, properly applied, does not. Granted, people have misused christianity -but it really IS a religion of love. One muslim fellow I know from Lebanon --says he never was told that Allah loved him --that He was a God of Love. This about Christianity touched him. He would apply Christian teaching --and say "that would be the Christian thing to do, wouldn't it" --and then be kinder to his mother in law than she deserved.
very interesting yhat you should mention the poll that the most irresponsible hysterical conservative commentators are quoting as it is a totally flawed piece of work based on very tricky questioning.
All other polls show quite the opposite.
Barb you need to question your viewpoint because it is hysterically racist in regards to the Islamic population residing in the United States.
On the other hand, your response in regards to the subject matter of this post is totally irrelevant and just regurgitates the misinformed and blindly patriotic flawed factoids that lewd to the is debacle and keep us enmired in it.
You empower the same group of incompetent maniacs to pursue a blind foreign policy which seems to have the motto, "If it went horrbly wrong the first time, there's no reason that it won't go horribly wrong again!"
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