Steve wrote of a recent White House Directive giving the president
extraordinary powers to insure continuity in the government in case of an
Read this document and wonder as Steve did, should we be afraid, very afraid?
More over, why hasn't this been commented on in the press?
I respect GW --though he can't speak eloquently. He certainly isn't making all the war decisions --the ARmy brass themselves are probably as split with rivalries as the Dems and republicans such that they have reasons why THEY don't always agree. There is a lot of brain power and international savvy on his team and the Pentagon. I really wouldn't have more respect in the matter of foreign policy if Pelosi, Boxer, Clinton, Reid, Kennedy and Barney franks were in charge. Muslim world isn't REALLY going to respect female leadership in my opinion. Though Condi Rice is head and shoulders above most anyone in my book.
I saw an Army Col. Gibbs? being interviewed by the press today and he really inspired confidence about our progress and work in Iraq--and how the people tell him they really want us to stay because they cannot effect the peace by themselves--because they want peace and security and they know all H will break out if we leave --He told how we are working with their fledgling police and military and that none of the enemy or the Iraqi are trained as well as our men. Fortunately, however, he says the next wave of terrorists to replace the leaders in jail are less trained and prepared for their plans than their jailed predecessors, He said they have uncovered enough explosives for 3000 bombs of some kind --and weapons, and captured 200 bad guys just since the beginning of May, I believe, with the help of the citizens. He seemed knowledgeable, humble, proud of the troops and spoke of their dedication in 127 degree heat --and their general kindness to the Iraqi people --and the electric projects they were doing --and neighborhoods cleared of weapons caches and some torture houses --and how the people were resettling in their neighborhoods with the improved security since the surge and the markets were being restored --and how they had the troops stationed in the neighborhoods now and how the Iraqis were helping them find the Al Kaeda and other criminals --
I believe I read that 70 per cent of the Iraqis polled want us there --just as 70 percent of Americans here are said to NOT want us there.
The 30 per cent HERE are right --we can't just arbitrarily set a date and leave! Are we nuts??? What kind of foreign policy has Pelosi been advocating? I think our house divided is in great trouble and it does no good to blame it all on Bush, considering he didn't make this decision after 9/11 by himself and without the intelligence reports saying Sadam was dangerous with WMD --and could become an Al Kaeda safe haven and probably was. If it's true that these reports were in error, so what? it wasn't Bush's report that took us there. We rid the middle east of a Hitler. And a majority came out to vote and form a constitutional parliament! Who said this should be an overnight success --considering the difficulties with which OUR democracy got going here in US. Our guys who've lost limbs and the families who've lost their kids should have success in Iraq to be proud of and the people saying it's all for naught should be quiet, and wait and see --
Because if we can't clean up little ol' Iraq , how can we even defend ourselves against terrorists HERE? You think peace in Iraq is an impossible thing because of the factions in Iraq --but we have factions HERE and manage to have some peace and prosperity for the nation as a whole
Yes, people die in war --civilians and our soldiers --but you still are at greater risk in the USA as a young person --statistically -or so i heard. Democrats need to focus on the violence in Detroit and DC --if they can't fix that, they surely shouldn't blame Bush if he can't fix Iraq's factions and secure peace there over night.
In the long run, this nation has to get on its knees --return to God and His righteousness --and also build up our military even more --if we are seen as weak, the world is at the mercy of despots like little Krazy Kim. The neo-cons were right if they said we should be ABLE to conduct several "theaters" of war at once --not because we want to but -because it may come to that --with Korea and the bomb --Iran and the bomb --all the Muslims hating Israel and threatening to annihilate it -- These radicals must be detained and re-programmed --TAUGHT the value of all lives, equality, religious freedom. I wouldn't just lock em up--I'd TEACH them a thing or two --a course in western history and civilization --
I'd give them the Caner brothers' books (without their names on them) the Muslims who have written about Islam and Mohammad recently exposing the radical seeds of the faith and the craziness of Mohammad.
I have absolutely no respect for George Bush.
You didn't read the link that this post was referring to, obviously.
The poll that you quote that shows 70% support for the US involvement in Iraq is a flawed poll shaped specifically for propaganda purposes.
It doesn't reflect the reality of the situation in Iraq.
Your entire reply is filled with totally flawed rewritten revisionist history that is so typical of conservative apologist raving. Deny reality and try to paint a fiction with a billion false factoids.
Hello Microdot,
Here is one of my three poems that will be published in a book called Echoes and Visions and will be sold through Barns and Nobles. I am passing it on because it speaks well to the subject at hand.
How History Repeats Itself
By F. Wayne Johnson
Half a league, half a league, half a league onward,
Lord Tennyson once said.
Good men obeyed with honor and glory,
Never the less were still dead.
Cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left,
Still some say, “Stay the course.”
But it’s not their ass on the line,
They’re not on the horse.
You will hear comments like, “These people volunteered,
They knew the possibility of family strife.”
This still does not give someone permission,
To squander a solder’s life.
Those that are leading now,
Dodged duty in their South Asian War.
Bravely sacrificing other parents children,
Those war mongering whores.
The incompetence of the leadership,
Peter Principle says downward it cascades.
Like Royal appointments in Victorian England,
That ordered the Charge of the Light Brigade.
To make someone the leader of a country,
Simply based on their last name.
Europe has lots of bad examples of this,
Some were even insane.
They tell you how important this task is,
Terrorist are just going to foster.
But you don’t see their daughters on the front line.
You’ll not find their names on a roster.
The real solution is not getting done.
Quietly, everyone knows this is the truth.
We will just bury our dead with honor,
We will keep sacrificing our youth.
thank you mr. engineer...
I have to come up with an illustration for your poem.
Most Glorious.
Re: the good poem by Mr. Johnson --which cynical sentiments I do not share:
Only our country is nuts enough to let the women fight on the front line --actually I don't think we do, but in principle that's what the liberal feminists want --no distinction between men and women --not even in war. And so we do let them train --as though they were going to be in the front lines. I don't think war fronts are any place for women.
Only a crackpot liberal would think that.
Ironically, crackpot liberals also don't think anyone else should go to war --but will fight like the dickens to get the women the equal right to do so. Go figure!?!?
They don't belong on shipboard either, where many of them get pregnant. The cruelty is to the women back home whose husbands and boyfriends are on those ships and elsewhere tempted by other women.
I understand the army divorce rate is sky high. No wonder. All thanks to liberal feminism putting women where they do not belong.
I think it's a very difficult job to lead our nation or any --with half the people clamoring for your head and blaming every unfortunate occurence on your leadership. For sure, current leadership wants to be successful in iraq and in general. They aren't TRYING to have difficulties --it's the liberals who enhance the perception of the difficulties because they want in power so badly they would undermine our leadership for political gain.
War is a waste --we do it when the other side is evil, killing their own in droves, and won't be reasonable and is bent on the destruction of our nation or our allies.
There is good and evil in the world --and I don't think Bush and his advisors qualify as evil.
Well, after doing some research, these presidential directives for continuity of government have been in effect since the Eisenhower administration. My alarm was not so much the directive itself, but "why now"? And what was wrong with the Clinton era directive (which is classified)? I think it's another falling piece in the administrations march toward war with Iran. Are they expecting widespread retaliation by Hamas cells in the United States? What would a Bush run period of Marshal law look like? We already see their contempt for the constitution and the rule of law as standard operating procedure, could you imagine them under marshal law?
But on the other hand, the Bush administration is just a bunch of incompetent cronies, so maybe their attemp at marshal law would look like the keystone cops. So on second thought I doubt we have anything to fear.
Did you read that, Microdot? Steve's finding that this directive was not unique to this administration??
Seems everyone needs to do a little more research before going off half-cocked blaming Bush.
I just saw the Celsius movie --that came out in response to Michael MOore's Farenheit movie. You all should see it for some enlightenment.
I saw the Celsius movie and if that is what you call a response to Michael Moore? Factually inaccurate, porpaganda smear job that was created for an audience willing to believe anything but the truth!
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