Force of habit, fear of change and guilt, these are all self destructive tendancies which have to be dealt with by each of us personally to stop negative behavior in our own lives.
We do things by rote which might have made sense at one time, but because of the effort required to conciously change, we continue on the same path when it doesn't make sense any more.
We do things because of guilt because we are locked into patterns of thought that can be manipulated to make us do what is not iin our best interest.
We do things out of fear, because we let someone assume the position of power and they take advantage of it.
America, collectively has let itself become locked into patterns of behavior and controlled thought by another country, which uses guilt, fear and our force of habit to manipulate us into situations which are not in our best interest.
It has become increasingly apparent that the course of actions by the state of Israel is not in Americas's best interest. Without laboring the point, we have let our knee jerk support of Israel destroy our relationship with the Middle East and millions of Islamic and non-Islamic Palestinian Supporters all over the world.
We almost allowed Israel manipulate America into a disasterous course of action in a pre emptive strike in Iran, which would have certainly catastrophically escalated. Israel still tries to push for this action in spite of the evidence presented daily that Iran is does not possess nuclear weapons and is even a long way off from it's program to develop nuclear energy for its own domestic power needs.
We know collectively that we have to change. We have to break this pattern. We have to realize that our massive aid monetarily and militarily to Israel is a bad habit we have to break.
The Obama Administration tried to inject a breath of fresh air by trying to install Charles W. Freeman Jr., a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the Bush Sr. administration in a top intellgence position.
Mr. Freeman had long been a critic of Israel and voiced his opinions with a bluntness not usually heard about an American ally. In 2006, he warned, "Left to it's own devices, the Israeli establishment will make decisions that harm Israelis, threaten all associated with them and enrage those who are not."
Just last Wednesday, he said in an interview that "Israel is driving itself towards a cliff, and it is irresponsible not to question Israeli policy and to decide what is best for the American people."
This was just too much for AIPAC and the lobbying effort led by Stephen J. Rosen, a former top official of AIPAC, led to the derailment of of Mr. Freeman's nomination.
He walked out of the hearings, disgusted after being opposed by New York Senator Charles E. Schumer and Senator Joe Lieberman.
They expressed concern with his critical views of Israeli policy and this could simply not be tolerated in someone who, as chairman of the National Security Council, would have overseen the the production of what are supposed to be policy-neutral intelligence assessments for the president.
Where was AIPAC's concern for neutral intelligence during the 8 years we just experienced in the Bush administration?
As Robert. W. Jordan, who was the Saudi Ambassador from 2001 to 2003 said, " The reality of Washington finds it difficult to assimilate any criticism of any segment of the Israeli leadership."
Stop me I'm hurting myself.....Rosen's lobbying effort began 3 weeks ago. Why are we letting Stephen (Mr. Policy Neutral) Rosen Jr. dictate foreign policy. Mr. Rosen is currently under federal indictment and awaiting trial from violation of The National Espionage Act acting on the behalf of Israel. This wasn't mentioned in any of the press coverage, but wouldn't you think that this was relevant?
Now let's talk about the Israeli Army's record of targeting foreign protesters who demostrate against Israeli's Palestinian policies...
Tristan Andersen of Oakland, California was shot at close range in the face with a high velocity tear gas canister by an Israeli soldier just this Friday as he participated in a protest in Naalin, on the West Bank. At first, the Israelis even refused to allow medical help for Mr. Andersen.
The British woman, Rachel Corrie who was killed by a bulldozer in 2003.
Brian Avery, shot in the face in 2003.
Tom Hurndall, shot to death in 2004.
Just another way of getting a point across. If your are a politician and you speak out against Israel, you will face the fury of AIPAC. If you are a private foreign individual who protests against Israeli policies, you will be a target.
How long will we let ourselves be intimidated into actions which only hurt ourselves?