Friday, December 29, 2006

Frozen Fog World

Here are a few pictures of the landscape around here after a few days of freezing fog
and no wind. Every day the ice crystals got longer and longer and the land scape grew stranger and stranger.
This is a picture of the house and barn and pond after the sun finally came out.
Cows ominously emerge from the mists.
Fragil frost sculptures that disappeared minutes after the sun finally came out.
Today it was 60 farenheit
and the fog world was just a memory.
You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Patrick,
Your pictures are just fantastic. I cannot impress enough how great your place looks.

liberal_dem said...

Your 'homestead' looks wonderful with the hoarfrost and all.

historymike said...

Who are you calling a hoar, LD? Watch your mouth!


Beautiful pics, Patrick. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the trees look good, but how about the cake? :) It's gorgeous.

Seriously, though, you seem to have landed in a very beautiful place.

mark hoback said...

Those cows are pretty damn ominous.

-Sepp said...

Yep, yep, yep...sometimes it's the little things you miss about some places! I don't miss the way that fog freezes to the road and creates detours through ditches though!