Saturday, October 30, 2010

And You Still Eat That Crap?

There's a good reason to avoid that revolting place.

A handfull pf McDonald's employees in Northeastern Ohio received handbills in their most recent paychecks  suggesting that they vote for three Republican candidates.

"If the right people are elected we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above our present levels," the insert said. "If others are elected we will not."

The fast food chains corporate headquarters in Oak Brook, Ill., distanced itself from the action by the Canton, Ohio franchisee Paul Seigfried, saying it was not reflective of the company's position. Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, the Democratic elections chief, said she was launching an investigation because the action appeared to blatantly violate Ohio election laws. 

1 comment:

Laci the Chinese Crested said...

If indestructible hamburgers weren't enough to scare somebody away from McDonald's. I guess all those chemicals eat peoples' minds away and they become right wing clowns.