Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thank You Santa

Dear Santa,
I know you are a busy man. Lots of kids ask you for all kinds of things and don't appreciate what they get. I know I asked you for a full scale terrorist attack on America to shake the complacent idiots up. I thought you were going to ignore me, but when I woke up on Christmas and found out that you had sent me a Nigerian with exploding underwear in Detroit, you made me the happiest little  neo conservative in the world. Thank you, Santa!

Little Dickie Cheney


mud_rake said...

Great photoshop and irony, a chilling bit of reality altogether.

Engineer of Knowledge said...

Hello Microdot,
Here is where you are the greatest. Great Posting and put a smile on my face.

historymike said...

I have it on good word that this is a legitimate picture, and that Microdot did not in fact PhotoShop the image.

microdot said...

It was tough to get the little tyke to stop squirming, but the raw meat did the trick.