Extremely simple, the most important thing to remember, this is a way to deal with a cheap tough piece of beef. In fact, do not use better cuts of meat for this. If you go to a butcher, ask him for stewing beef or short ribs. A tender cut will dissolve.
I made this tonight using a large piece of shoulder with some gristle and bones. It was in the freezer and it was time to use it...I think I got it on sale months ago.
You will need a piece of dried orange peel and a cinnamon stick. You could use fresh orange peel, but dried gives a different flavor and stick cinnamon is less intense, but not less flavorful than ground.
In a big pot with a cover...a cast iron pot is great, brown the piece of meat in some butter. Then add a big cut up onion and say four cloves of garlic. when the meat is browned and the onions sauted until they are clear, cover the meat with water and add the orange peel and the cinnamon stick.
Cover it and let it simmer on a low burner for at least 2 hours. Add cut up carrots. I just peel them and cut them into nice lengths. I suppose you could get fancy and use little baby carrots, but this is about how to make a cheap piece of beef wonderful, so the carrots just have to be a nice size. I add some salt and pepper and let it cook covered for another 30 minutes or more. That's it! The cinnamon and orange add a subtle flavor to a hearty standard. I suppose you could serve it with pasta or a boiled potato, but the sauce is good just with a piece of bread to sop it up! I hope you know a good bakery! Bon apetit!
Anytime beef is smothered in onions, it's a good thing! Add fresh mushrooms and a cold beer or chilled burgundy and it's a better thing!
Perhaps I should give y'all my recipe for a traditional Bourginone, another way to cook very tough beef. The classic version has red wine and mushrooms. You have to serve it with boilde potatoes!
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