Friday, October 07, 2011

Barber Shot In Butt In Ohio Bar

This piece really belongs on Mikeb302000's blog...but it is too good!

 Ohio’s new law allowing concealed guns into bars took effect last week. Bar and restaurant owners naturally view the law as a pain in the butt, and given a recent mishap, they have good reason to. The Columbus Dispatch reports that Ohio barber Kurt Voelkel got a bullet in his butt after his customer’s “9 mm handgun fell from his holster, struck the ground and went off.” The bullet “passed through the chair where Voelkel was sitting and also went through his wallet before coming to rest deep in his buttocks.” He spent more than two hours at the hospital, where doctors opted to leave the bullet where it is. The customer was just “adjusting his clothing and sitting down” when the gun fell; presumably alcohol was not involved. It’s hard to see how adding it into the mix will prevent this or worse situations from occurring. Ohio, the place I'm definitely not planning to visit  in the near future for my next vacation.....


dog gone said...

You are right Microdot - this IS too good, so I hope you don't mind my cross posting it!

Let me know if that is a problem, otherwise I'm going to do so - with of course proper attribution to give you credit.

microdot said...

are you kidding? please cross post...I was going to send this to mike, but then reality stepped in today...I just got to sit back down at the computer....