The perfect image for last Sundays EU Elections here in Europe.
All across Europe the parties that tapped into the Euroskepticsm sentiment were the winners. But time will tell if they really were. Most of the big winners, including France were the far right parties. Interestingly enough, when the electorate was polled, the primary motivation for their vote was not economic solutions or concerns. It was anti immigration. Here in France, the vote was really influenced by apathy and abstentionism. The voter abstention figures were historic, 57%. I always tell my friends who say they aren't going to vote because they are disgusted with politics in general, "If you don't vote, you can be sure that someone who is much crazier than you will." Here, a big motivation in the vote was not so much as embracing the policies of the far right manipulators, but a slap in the face in the traditional ruling parties. The majority of voters who elected the Front National delegates were very young, under 30 years old. They are the class most affected by the economic problems of Europe. The young people who see no future in following the elephants of the past. The UMP is totally corrupt, the Socialists are totally inept, so unencumbered by the memory of the past, they went for Systeme D....
In her rambling statements, after a probably too much champagne, Marine LePen thanked Francois Hollande for the victory. She also thanked the confused mentality of the French voters. We are in collective shock as this party which in effect has gained a few delegates in the EU, seems to be in the ascent. These are the remnants of Vichy France and are guilty of being allied with neo nazi and ultra nationalists parties all over Europe. Marine LePen has been actively courted by Vladimir Putin as a European political ally. They use the same tools, Hate and Religion for ultimate political power. They used Racism and anti Immigration sentiments to manipulate the voters. Only last week, the patriarch of the Front National, Jean-Marie LePen publicly stated that "The Ebola outbreak in Africa was a good thing because there would be less black migrants coming to France." They exploited the economic incompetence of the last French Governments. But, as the UMP tried to exploit their base, they were disintegrating in a wave of corruption scandals. The head of the party, Jean Francois Cope had to resign yesterday after denying he had been at the epicenter of massive financial scandal involving millions of Euros after earlier this year declaring the party bankrupt and appealing to the UMP militants for donations. But that was the tip of the iceberg. Sarkozy is so beshat by a black hole of scandals and investigations sucking him in deeper each week that he can never run again. In fact, the Sarkozy clan might have to move to Dubai if they want to escape prosecution.
The Socialist administration of Hollande is guilty of total ineptness. If Hollande had even made the pretense of pretending to be president, he would have done a better job than the simpering, unrehearsed actor that seems to be playing him. The most damning charge in the eyes of the French electorate is that he really hasn't kept any real promises he made when he was elected. The administration is totally knee jerk. Today, in a rather tragic knee jerk response, the police violently closed the immigrant camp in Calais, with no real plan as to how to responsibly deal with the hundreds of immigrants there who have risked their lives to get to France in hopes of maybe going to Britain. They are out on the street of Calais now with no place to go and no hope. This was as brutal as Sarkozy at his worst. There were some bright spots, Greece and Italy had leftist majority wins. They didn't dfo so bad in Spain either. We kept out Europe Ecologie Delegate, Jose Bove. My village didn't go that far right. The FN made some gains, but nothing real. I don't believe that France is embracing Fascism, but through manipulation, fear and apathy, we are having our Tea Brain moment. I found it interesting that only hours after the election results were in, the FN delegate from L'Orient who had won was forced to resign by the FN Party because she wasn't as hard line as the third place runner up, who gladly took her seat. This hints that this is not so much a political party, but a mini dictatorship in training. It is a family thing.
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NO FN! |
What can we do but look on in shock and awe?
the Ol'Buzzard
Maybe they'll let that election thing RUN for a few days like they did in Egypt. You know ... to make sure everybody had a chance to vote. heh As you are aware there's no shortage of far right wingers abouts on this side, too ....
psst, hey, buddy, I can get you nude pics of Jean Marie LePens first wife! The mother of Marine! Jean Marie pissed her off mightily back in the 1970's, that she left him and went on to publicly embarrass him by posing nude in Playboy.....It's a family thing, but I have the links!
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